Breast Augmentation
Breast implant surgery can be performed in a hospital. Breast implant surgery patients may have to stay overnight in the hospital (inpatient surgery) or may be able to go home afterward (outpatient surgery). The surgery can be done under general anesthesia, where medicine is given to make the patient sleep. Most women receive general anesthesia for this surgery. Breast implant surgery can last from one to several hours depending on the procedure and personal circumstances.
Before surgery you should have a consultation with us. Be prepared to ask questions about our experience, your surgery and expected outcomes. We should be able to discuss whether you are a good candidate for breast implants, the different type of implants, options for size, shape and placement based on your particular circumstances, as well as the risks and benefits of implant surgery. We should also be able to provide you with before and after pictures of other patients to help you better understand your expectations and potential outcomes from surgery.
During the consultation you will need to discuss your medical history, including any medical conditions or drug allergies you may have. You should also discuss any previous surgeries you’ve had, especially to the breast, and what drugs you are currently taking, including supplements, herbal and over-the-counter (OTC) medications.
It is important to tell the surgeon if you think you may be pregnant.
Before breast augmentation, you might also be asked to :
• Complete various lab tests
• Get a baseline mammogram
• Stop smoking for a certain period of time before and after surgery
• Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements to control bleeding during surgery
Once you have been given anesthesia and it has taken effect, we will make an incision (cut) in one of the following areas:
• along the underside of your breast (inframammary)
• around the nipple (periareolar)
• through the mastectomy scar (for reconstruction)
The location of the incision can affect how visible the scars are, as well as any complications you may experience after surgery.
Cutting the underside of the breast is the most common location used since it is where the skin naturally folds. Your scarring with this type of incision may be a bit more visible, especially if you are younger, thin and have not yet had children.
We will place the implant above (subglandular) or below (submuscular) the chest wall muscles. Be sure to discuss the pros and cons of the implant placement selected for you with your surgeon prior to surgery.
After surgery you will be taken to a recovery area to be monitored. Your breasts will be wrapped in gauze or a surgical bra. At our recommendation you will most likely be able to return to work within one to two weeks, but you should avoid any strenuous activities that could raise your pulse and blood pressure for at least two weeks.
Eser AYDOĞDU is one of the most successful woman plastic surgeon. Eser Aydoğdu is a doctor with numereous awards for her contribitions to plastic surgery. Her medical articles have been published in many contries apart from Turkey such as the USA and most of the European countries. She has both observed and joined many doctors in Philadelphia and New Jersey while they were performing plastic surgeries.
She has attended many international congresses and seminars regarding aesthetic surgery regularly. Eser AYDOĞDU has been on many newspaper, Tv Channel, radio programmes in Turkey.
After reaching us, you are suppose to send us the picture of the part of which you think need an operation your body or face or your hair by whatsapp (+90 541 399 72 87) or e-mail (
First Eser Aydoğdu analyses the picture and decides on what technique to use in the operation. You will be informed about how many days you have to spend in İstanbul and cost of the surgery. When you arrive in İstanbul you will be picked up from the airport and taken to your hotel as well as the clinic to the hospital. If you haven’t booked a room at a hotel we can book and arrange one for you near the hospital. You will be accompanied by a guide speaking English very well. Your operation will be performed in a hospital. You will be provided with the medicine and corset or bra or a hat need it after the operation.