Breast augmentation is a kind of surgery which is a cosmetic procedure. Breast augmentation commanly known as a boob job.It involves the insertion of implants underneath the breast tissues that are called “pockets”. That’s why it enlarges the breasts as well as changing the shape and making them symmetrical.
What do you know about breast augmentation? There are two ways to do the breast augmentation but we use just one of this procedure. One of it is permanent fillers and I can directly say that it is a really dangerous way to do this operation.Why it is dangerous to do the breast augmentation with permanent fillers? Cause after the surgery we see that the patients get infected. At that moment we stop doing this operation with this item. The patients wants to do this operation like that because when you are doing this in that way you are not taking a general anesthesia , you can do it with local anesthesia. The breasts are getting bigger and its not a surgery. But it has complications. So the best and also the healty way is breast augmentation operation with prothesis. These are the items which are really good products.We are using just one brand for the breast augmentation operation which is called “Mentor”. There are two important things to decide fort his surgery.First one is the surgeon and second one is the brand of the prothesis.When you choose the best ones for yourself that means you are ready for the breast augmentation surgery. It is a surgery performed under general anesthesia by placing a silicon implant under the breast tissue.Surgery can be done by the incisions under armpit around areola or under the breast tissue.Implant surfaces can be flat or textured.Due to the high risk of capsule contracture of flat surface prostheses,we use textured surface implants.Macro textured undermuscle.Your surgeon prefers micro texture implant on the muscle.A natomic or round prosthesis are generally preferred according to the patient.
Your surgeon will inform you the details of the factors you considered for your breast augmentation operation. Each and every decision about it may effect your recovery and that’s the reason why you will have a face to face consultation with our surgeon before your surgery.
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